
Papillion Construction

Typical weather in Pensacola, Florida by month?

Pensacola, located in the Florida Panhandle, experiences a humid subtropical climate characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and significant rainfall. The weather varies considerably through the year, so let’s explore the typical weather patterns you can expect in Pensacola month by month.


  • Average High/Low: 61°F / 42°F (16°C / 6°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: January is one of the coldest months in Pensacola. Expect chilly temperatures, particularly at night, and relatively dry conditions compared to the summer months.


  • Average High/Low: 64°F / 45°F (18°C / 7°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: February sees a gradual increase in temperature. The weather remains cool, but the chill starts to ease off as spring approaches.


  • Average High/Low: 70°F / 51°F (21°C / 11°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: March marks the beginning of spring with warmer temperatures and longer days. Rainfall begins to increase, ushering in the wetter part of the year.


  • Average High/Low: 76°F / 58°F (24°C / 14°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: In April, temperatures continue to rise. The weather is generally pleasant with moderate humidity and increasing rainfall.


  • Average High/Low: 83°F / 65°F (28°C / 18°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: May is significantly warmer and marks the transition to summer-like conditions. Humidity increases, and there’s a higher chance of rain.


  • Average High/Low: 87°F / 72°F (31°C / 22°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: June is the start of the hot, humid summer months. Expect long, sunny days interspersed with occasional thunderstorms and high humidity.


  • Average High/Low: 89°F / 74°F (32°C / 23°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: July is typically the hottest month, with high temperatures and humidity. Rainfall is common, often in the form of afternoon thunderstorms.


  • Average High/Low: 89°F / 74°F (32°C / 23°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: August mirrors July in terms of heat and humidity. It’s peak summer with frequent thunderstorms, and it’s also within the Atlantic hurricane season, so tropical storms are a possibility.


  • Average High/Low: 87°F / 70°F (31°C / 21°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: September marks the beginning of fall, but the weather remains quite hot and humid. The likelihood of hurricanes or tropical storms remains high.


  • Average High/Low: 80°F / 60°F (27°C / 16°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: In October, temperatures start to cool down. The weather becomes more pleasant, with lower humidity and less rainfall.


  • Average High/Low: 71°F / 50°F (22°C / 10°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: November sees a significant drop in temperatures, signaling the onset of cooler weather. It’s generally a dry month with crisp, autumnal conditions.


  • Average High/Low: 63°F / 44°F (17°C / 7°C)
  • Climate Characteristics: December is cool and relatively dry. It’s one of the coldest months, similar to January, with short days and chilly nights.


Pensacola’s weather is diverse throughout the year, ranging from cool, mild winters to hot, humid summers with a significant amount of rainfall, especially from June to August. This variation offers different experiences each month, from beach-going in the summer to comfortable outdoor activities in the spring and fall. Understanding these weather patterns is essential for planning activities and preparing for seasonal changes in Pensacola.

About the Author

Christopher Papillion

Christopher is the founder and proud owner of Papillion Construction. He is passionate about offering high quality home remodeling services, with fantastic customer support, to home owners located throughout Florida's beautiful panhandle region.

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